Service Policies serves all professionals working in the field of oncological diseases, doctors of other medical specialties and the general public.  The information provided through this website, aims to disseminate information about the diverse oncological treatments through radiotherapy we have available at Hope International.  Furthermore, this Site is designed to promote and facilitate medical education to every Health Professional, while pursuing the transfer of knowledge, in an understandably way, to the general population. Regarding the latter point, we try to inform and complement -not replace- the existing relationship between visiting patients and their current physicians.   Moreover, the articles or clinical cases here published do not necessarily represent the Site’s administrators viewpoints.

Most of the information published on this Site is original and thus all rights of use of any data, presented here, belong to the authors.  This website respect the confidentiality of the information related to doctors, patients and visitors, including their identity and no data about them will ever be published without their written permission. 
For all stated previously Hope International pledge to respect -as a basic principle of entrepreneurship integrity- the required privacy for any medical information or any procedure to be applied in compliance with the Republic of Guatemala’s dispositions and current legal norms.

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